The Ancient Chinese Lost Weight With Prickly Pig Needles

The Ancient Chinese Lost Weight With Prickly Pig Needles
The Ancient Chinese Lost Weight With Prickly Pig Needles

Acupuncture or also known as acupuncture is a method that has come down to us from ancient times Chinese medicine, which manipulates the biologically active points in the human body.

With great success acupuncture is also used in the treatment of overweight.

The ancient Chinese lost weight with prickly pig needles
The ancient Chinese lost weight with prickly pig needles

Did you know, however, that 500 years ago, when the Chinese discovered the magical properties of acupuncture, instead of modern needles, they pricked their bodies with prickly pig needles.

Later, they used gold, silver and platinum to make the first healing needles.

These small devices aim to "blacken the life" of the organ that regulates appetite. It's called hypothalamus and is part of the midbrain.

When the cores of hypothalamus are damaged, this provokes an increase in appetite and rapid weight gain.

The needles stimulate certain points located on the auricle, which equalize the eating behavior and the obsessive hunger disappears.

But when it comes to needles, don't think that they are thick, long and stuck in your ears, they can pierce your brain as well. Acupuncture needles are the thickness of a hair or thread. And when stabbed, the pain is quite mild.
