Why Are Whole Grains Good?

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Video: Why Are Whole Grains Good?

Video: Why Are Whole Grains Good?
Video: Are Whole Grains Needed in any Diet? 2024, September
Why Are Whole Grains Good?
Why Are Whole Grains Good?

Whole grains are necessary for proper digestion, calm the nervous system, satiate hunger well, melt fat, while providing energy and endurance, good reflexes, long memory and high concentration. Whole grains require different digestive procedures, unlike refined grains.

Many of the grains are actually acidic, which creates a precondition for the development of diseases due to the increased levels of acidity in the blood. That is why the grains must be chewed very well, saliva helps to break down this acidity, as it is alkaline.

In the text you will find information about some not very popular cereals, which are very valuable for health.

1. Amaranth

This cereal is extremely suitable for people with an increased need for nutrients, such as nursing mothers, pregnant women, children, babies, as well as for people who work hard.

Amaranth is very rich in the valuable ingredient lysine. It has a specific rich taste and is recommended to be mixed with other cereals. It contains about 15-18 percent protein, is rich in fiber, amino acids, vitamin C and has more calcium, magnesium and silicon than milk.

2. Barley


Barley is extremely useful for the blood, bile and nervous system. She digested easily. Whole grain barley is more nutritious than husks. It has more fiber, twice as much calcium, three times as much iron and 25% more protein. Roasting makes the barley alkaline. This cereal is a great substitute for coffee, as it invigorates and lifts the mood. It also helps newborns to tolerate breast milk better.

3. Buckwheat


Buckwheat improves appetite and aids digestion. Contains rutin - a bioflavonoid that can lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation in the arms and legs. Sprouted buckwheat is a great source of enzymes, chlorophyll and vitamins.

4. Wheat


Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

Wheat is one of the foods that can help us deal with bad cholesterol. It is a source of B-complex vitamins, zinc, magnesium and other important trace elements. Its intake contributes to the proper metabolism and proper functioning of our whole body. Eat more wheat, even in its pure form, to enjoy a slender joint, smooth skin, shiny mane.

5. Quinoa


Quinoa is rich in fiber, amino acids and protein. At the same time, it does not contain gluten, which makes it ideal for people who suffer from gluten intolerance. It normalizes blood sugar levels and speeds up metabolism. This makes it a great choice for anyone who wants to eat healthy and lose weight.

6. Millet


Millet is also considered a cereal product that does not contain gluten, but is rich in minerals. This is not the end of its benefits. A number of studies have shown that the consumption of millet increases energy, improves the body's defenses and is even a significant helper in the prevention of cancer.

7. Oats


It is a source of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. Its consumption helps to control weight, as well as to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. In addition, oats are good for hair and hair. Make sure we have a more restful sleep.

8. Bulgur


Bulgur is an ordinary food that has extraordinary benefits for our health, as it contains a lot of fiber, minerals and other valuable substances. It is juicy as a food that prevents the development of type 2 diabetes, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity.

9. White rice

White rice
White rice

This crop is also considered a very useful food. Studies have shown that the intake of white rice has a beneficial effect on hair, skin, bones. It helps the digestive process and increases our defenses.

10. Brown rice

Brown rice
Brown rice

This type of rice requires more effort to prepare than white, but definitely each of them is worth it. It is a very useful food that prevents obesity, heart problems, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and various insidious diseases. It also reduces stress levels and makes it easier to fall asleep.

11. Sorghum


Photo: Antonia Karova

Another food product that may be present in the diet of people with gluten intolerance. It improves bone strength, controls blood sugar levels, facilitates digestive processes, takes care of heart health, makes your sleep more complete and protects against cancer.

12. Rye


The plant, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, is also beneficial for people who are at risk for type 2 diabetes because it controls blood sugar levels. In addition, people who consume rye frequently have been shown to suffer less from cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and digestive problems.

13. Einkorn


Einkorn is one of the foods that our ancestors valued highly. Today she manages to regain her fame and fight for a place of honor at our table. Einkorn actively fights fatigue, improves the quality of our sleep and takes care of our figure. It is also recommended for cardiovascular problems, low immunity, colitis and other diseases of the stomach. On cold days it is a great product to boost immunity.
