What Factors Predispose To The Development Of Food Allergies?

What Factors Predispose To The Development Of Food Allergies?
What Factors Predispose To The Development Of Food Allergies?

There are many and varied factors that predispose to the appearance of food allergies.

Hereditary predisposition is among the most common causes. As a familial or family disease, food allergy is found in 50-60% of cases of allergic diseases. When the hereditary burden is from only one parent, food allergies can occur in 35% of children.

When both parents have allergies, the percentage of sick children almost doubles. The mechanism of this hereditary allergic predisposition is not fully understood, but it is accepted as most likely that the allergic attitude is associated with congenital deficiency in the body's immune defense system.

The age factor is also important. Frequent occurrence in infants and young children of allergies to cow's milk, chocolate, protein and others. is determined by the underdevelopment of the digestive system, its enzyme and immune systems. As the child grows, the work of the digestive system improves and there is a gradual decrease in sensitivity.

Adults often end up overeating certain foods and spices. Some harmful substances (alcoholic beverages, tobacco) are also added.

Tummy ache
Tummy ache

All this, combined with other harmful effects - fast food, for example, leads to a number of diseases of the digestive system, which are sometimes accompanied by a risk of developing food allergies.

Particularly adversely affects the activity of the digestive system regular consumption of alcoholic beverages (albeit in moderation), as well as sharp irritating spices.

Gender also has some significance. Food allergies are more common in women. In them during the menstrual period the tendency to allergic reactions increases.

Seasonal and climatic factors affect allergic reactivity.

The condition of the nervous system plays a significant role in the onset and course of food allergies.
