Apricot Kernels Stop The Development Of Cancer

Apricot Kernels Stop The Development Of Cancer
Apricot Kernels Stop The Development Of Cancer

The results of long-term monitoring of longevity in Pakistan and their diet have shown that daily consumption of apricots and apricot kernels is the basis of their longevity. According to the authors of the study, this is due to vitamin B17, which is found in large quantities in these fruits and nuts.

Cancer is an unknown disease in the Hunza Valley, on the border between Pakistan and India. Experts attribute this to the anti-cancer effect of apricots and apricot kernels, which are an integral part of their daily menu.

Apricots and their nuts are rich in vitamin B17 or so-called. amygdalin or laetrile. Amygdalin is made up of two sugar molecules. One is bendalzehyde and the other is cyanide.

Assigning it to the group of vitamins is not entirely correct, as recent studies show that amygdalin is actually a vitamin-like compound.

Laetrile is one of the most powerful drugs to fight cancer and cancer. A number of oncological studies show that its use is effective at each stage of malignant diseases and its regular use leads to the contraction of existing metastases.

Every year, with the onset of spring and the budding of apricot trees, the inhabitants of the Hanseatic Valley stop eating any other food and remain on a strict diet of a specific local drink, which is prepared from dried apricots and water.

This is how Pakistanis celebrate their hungry spring. Their diet of dried apricots continues until the fruit ripens.


In this way, the wise inhabitants of this ancient state stock up on enough amygdalin and at the same time detoxify their bodies. There are no oncological diseases among them.

Although, unlike medicines, apricots and apricot kernels do not have side effects, it is recommended not to overdo it. This is due to the cyanide molecule in the composition of vitamin B17.

In the fight against cancer such as colon tumor, uterine cancer, breast cancer and others can be a course of treatment with apricot kernels, which lasts exactly 28 days.

During the first week of treatment, take three nuts three times a day, preferably before meals. It is recommended to eat the nuts at 7.00, 13.00 and 19.00, and they should be chewed very well.

In the second week, the mode of intake of nuts is maintained, but their number increases by 1 per intake. Thus, during the last week of the treatment course, six apricot kernels are taken three times a day before meals.

It is recommended to limit the intake of pasta, refined sugar, as well as dairy and meat products, especially red meat and cream, within the course of treatment with apricot kernels.
