Folk Medicine With Delicious Mulberry

Folk Medicine With Delicious Mulberry
Folk Medicine With Delicious Mulberry

White and black mulberry are widespread in Bulgaria, otherwise there are about ten varieties. Both species, known in our country, are very rich in vitamins, they also contain phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, pectin and others. Mulberry has a good effect on the cardiovascular as well as on the nervous system.

If you have heart problems, it is recommended to eat mulberries every day - about 300 g per day for a month. In this way you will significantly improve the work of the heart.

The fresh fruits of the plant are also used to treat iron deficiency anemia, enterocolitis. They can also help with conditions such as dysentery, biliary diseases, myocarditis, heart disease and more.

Mulberry juice, like compote, has an expectorant effect. If you have sores in the mouth, sprinkle with mulberry juice, which you have diluted with water.

Decoction of mulberry leaves is extremely useful in hypertension, cough. According to old herbalists, if we drink the decoction, we can cure angina in three days without resorting to antibiotics.

Folk medicine with delicious mulberry
Folk medicine with delicious mulberry

In Chinese folk medicine, mulberry is used in mild forms of diabetes - sprinkle the dishes with powder from the leaves of the plant. The Chinese treat bronchial asthma, impotence and kidney failure with it.

In our folk medicine, mulberry is used to treat bronchitis, constipation, prostatitis, to regulate menstruation and more.

The leaves of the plant help with shortness of breath, and the bark and roots are recommended for kidney failure and sexual weakness.

You can also use the bark to lubricate wounds - you need to make an ointment with olive oil. Put powdered bark and olive oil, the ratio of cream is 1:30, in favor of olive oil. With this ointment you can also spread burns in a lighter form.

Mulberry decoction can be made as follows - pour 2 tsp. from the leaves of the plant (or from the bark) with boiling water - 250 ml. Then strain the liquid and drink the decoction in small sips for a day.

The fruits of the plant are also used for treatment. Make the following decoction from them:

- Put 1 tsp. water on the stove and after boiling, pour it 2 tsp. crushed mulberry fruit. Leave to stand for four hours and then strain and drink four times a day at ¼ tsp. It is best to drink before a meal, if you are going to mess with the decoction, dilute with water.
