Folk Medicine With Chamomile

Folk Medicine With Chamomile
Folk Medicine With Chamomile

Folk medicine offers treatment without chemistry and therefore the popularity of this way of dealing with health problems is not diminishing. Herbs are the main raw material of folk remedies, and in our country chamomile is the most widely used among them and is considered a traditional remedy. This also applies to the whole of Europe.

The healing properties of chamomile are numerous and therefore the application of the plant is multifaceted, but still it is considered one of the best natural sedatives and is widely used for sleep problems. It is very popular in the complications of diabetes.

The mass use of chamomile however, it is for colds. Colds and fever are usually treated with tea or a decoction of chamomile. In case of stomach problems, we also first think of this herb because of the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties it has.

For high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels, prevention with herbal tea is recommended. It is also useful in kidney stones and inflammatory process of the bladder. Stubborn headaches in migraine attacks also respond very well.

Chamomile tincture
Chamomile tincture

In case of problems with the upper respiratory tract, inhalations and gargles with chamomile have a quick healing effect. Used successfully and cold chamomile extract, especially in eye inflammation.

External use of chamomile is no less common than internal intake. Compresses with chamomile are again the most commonly used remedy for any external inflammation. Swelling around the eyes and dark circles in fatigue are usually treated with compresses with a decoction of chamomile.

For psoriasis, it is also recommended to treat the inflamed areas with an infusion of this herb because of the calming and anti-inflammatory effect of its ingredients bisabolol, chamazulene, apinegin and luteolin.

In each home you can find a packet of dried chamomile for the inevitable injuries, cuts, abrasions and other skin irritations.

Steamed or boiled, chamomile is suitable for cleansing the skin of the face to remove not only unnecessary urges, but also to prevent irritated areas.

Inhalations with chamomile
Inhalations with chamomile

Hair lightening, which ladies usually take during the warmer months of the year, is done most gently for the hair with a decoction of chamomile. It also works well against dandruff.

For home use, colored chamomile baskets are needed along with a small part of the handle. They are dried and stored in a cool and dry place.

Help yourself with these useful chamomile teas or prepare this eau de toilette with chamomile for dry skin.
