See Why You Should Drink Fruit Tea With Lemon Less Often

See Why You Should Drink Fruit Tea With Lemon Less Often
See Why You Should Drink Fruit Tea With Lemon Less Often

In cold weather, there is nothing more pleasant than a warm cup of tea with lemon, but although this combination can be curative for colds and flu, dentists warn you to be careful with the amount tested.

The reason is that the acids in fruit tea with lemon are too intense and regulate tooth enamel. Damaged enamel, on the other hand, predisposes to the easier formation of caries, writes the Daily Mail.

In recent years, fruit teas have become very popular and have replaced herbal teas in sales. More consumers are attracted to teas with pieces of fruit because they have a stronger aroma and taste.

But dentists say that these fruit drinks in combination with a slice of lemon contain 6 times more acidity than citric acid, and this destroys teeth.

To keep your beautiful smile, dentists recommend drinking herbal tea.

This conclusion was reached after researchers from the Royal College in London studied the eating habits of two groups of volunteers. One group drank fruit tea twice a day and the other drank herbal tea.

It turned out that lovers of fruit hour are 11 times more likely to develop tooth decay than the other group who drank herbal tea.

In conclusion, scientists also say that we need to be careful with the amount of hot drinks, as the heat damages the teeth. Over the years, front teeth can thin from 10 millimeters to 2 millimeters, and restoration costs thousands of dollars.
