Bulgarians Drink Less And Less Beer

Bulgarians Drink Less And Less Beer
Bulgarians Drink Less And Less Beer

Beer sales continue to fall, and Bulgarians drink less and less amber liquid, said a representative of one of the largest beer companies in Bulgaria, Nikolay Mladenov.

Standard Mladenov told the newspaper that beer sales in the country had fallen by 10% in the summer season alone. The data show that in August Bulgarians drank 10.5% less beer compared to the same month last year.

The decline in beer sales is about 300,000 hectoliters, which is approximately equal to the entire production in a small brewery. So far, however, none of the Bulgarian breweries has wanted to cease operations.

But there is no denying that breweries in our country are experiencing a decline in demand for beer.

Even dark beer, whose peak sales are in the cold months, will not reverse the trend, as its share in total beer consumption in the country is only about 3%.


Mladenov believes that the lower consumption of beer is due not only to the cooler summer, but also to the change in consumer behavior when buying drinks.

Beer companies are worried that this trend may continue, as Bulgarians drink beer mainly at home, and the restaurant registers low consumption of amber liquid.

The most serious decline is marked by beer sold in bottles. There is a slight increase in canned beer. Experts believe that the consumption of non-alcoholic beer may increase in the future.

Ciders so far have the greatest sales potential in the market. At the moment, however, their growth is insignificant. Zagorka is also expected to offer her cider by the end of this year.

The average consumption of beer last year was approximately 75 liters per person per year. The leader among Bulgarian beers is Zagorka, which holds 30% of the market share of beer in the country. It is followed by the Carlsberg and Kamenica brands.

Ariana and Heiniken are also preferred beers by the Bulgarians. Every fifth beer test in Bulgaria was with the Ariana brand, according to statistics.
