Malaysia Does Not Start The Day Without This Breakfast

Malaysia Does Not Start The Day Without This Breakfast
Malaysia Does Not Start The Day Without This Breakfast

If you are wondering how they have breakfast in the world, then we can give you detailed information about what the most important meal of the day for distant Malaysia looks like.

Breakfast in Malaysia is a must-have for locals nasi lemak. It consists of rice cooked in coconut milk and served with anchovies, spicy Asian spice sambal, boiled eggs, fried peanuts and cucumbers. All this splendor is wrapped in a banana leaf and breakfast is ready.

In Malaysia, there are countless shops selling nasal lemak - anyone can buy it on the way to work or school for only 30 cents. There are a bunch of variants of the basic recipe, and each housewife adds something to it.

The rice is steamed, wrapped in banana leaves, but can also be baked or baked. The appropriate type for this purpose is jasmine, and coconut milk should not be replaced by coconut cream, although in translation the name means rice with cream.

According to all the rules of art, rice is first soaked in coconut milk and then boiled in it. The local hosts add pieces of the dried leaves of a houseplant - pandanus - for more flavor, but true gourmets flavor it with ginger and lemongrass.

But here are the specific ingredients for this interesting breakfast:

- 20 g of ginger

- 3-4 sprigs of lemon grass

- 250 g of jasmine rice

- 1/3 tsp. turmeric

- 1 tbsp. oil

- 150 ml of coconut milk

- 100 ml of water

Nasi Lemak
Nasi Lemak

Photo: YouTube

Cut the ginger and lemon grass into pieces. Heat the oil over a moderate heat and stew the lemongrass in it and a little water. Add the rice and turmeric and stir. Add the coconut milk, water and ginger and stir again.

Reduce heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes under a lid. Pour the rice into the plates, shape it into a ball in the middle and garnish with anchovies, boiled eggs, fried peanuts and pickles.

In Malaysia, rice is cooked with 1-2 leaves of the citrus tree kaffir lime. They give a stronger lemon flavor to the dish and a slightly astringent note.
