After Which Cup Of Coffee Does Your Heart Start Beating?

After Which Cup Of Coffee Does Your Heart Start Beating?
After Which Cup Of Coffee Does Your Heart Start Beating?

It is undoubtedly the most common drink in the world coffee. Lovers of the well-known magical taste and aroma are of all ages. It is difficult to imagine the beginning of the day without a glass of refreshing drink. Variations in coffee consumption are numerous and more tempting than each other.

For some people coffee is a bias and far exceeds the usual glass in the morning and afternoon that we are usually used to. That's why scientists from Australia conducted a study to determine after which a cup of coffee it is no longer an invigorating and tonic drink and is becoming harmful to heart health.

Coffee harm research

After which cup of coffee does your heart start beating?
After which cup of coffee does your heart start beating?

The study covered a wide age range of lovers of addictive aromatic and delicious coffee, from 37 to 73 years, and the number of respondents is also impressive - almost 350 thousand people.

The researchers' efforts focused on a gene known as CYP1A2. Caffeine absorption in the body depends on it. Research has shown that even people who have the gene that helps them digest coffee quickly have difficulty after the sixth cup.

According to scientists, most coffee lovers do not drink more than four cups a day, so the results of the study do not require significant changes in daily life. The only nation that differs from the others is Finland. There they drink an average of eight coffee for the day. However, even there they try to reduce the doses, taking into account the personal capabilities of the body.

Those who are sensitive to caffeine get a heartbeat and determine their own smaller amounts of coffee every day.

After which cup of coffee does your heart start beating?
After which cup of coffee does your heart start beating?

Scientists suggest that there are people who are not affected by caffeine, and they can afford as many glasses as they like.

Scientists researching the impact of coffee, warn that it increases the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent after the body is exposed to two million cups of coffee.

What is the useful dose of coffee?

Limit yourself to 3 coffees a day - you no longer need to satisfy your habit of having a cup of coffee with you.

According to doctors coffee there are both positive and negative sides. It releases fatty acids from the fats from which energy is obtained and acts as a powerful stimulator of the nervous system. It also acts as a diuretic.

Coffee increases the feeling of thirst, but because it is highly acidic, it is a common cause of reflux.

Coffee is satisfying and most people accept it well. In fact, coffee additives are more harmful - sugar, cream, flavorings. Their caloric content does not affect the heart well.
