Peach Nuts - What To Use Them For

Peach Nuts - What To Use Them For
Peach Nuts - What To Use Them For

Among fruit trees, peach is one of the most loved by both gardeners and people. Gardeners love it because the tree is adaptable, bears fruit very quickly, is easy to transplant and grow in sunny and warm places, and people love the taste of the fragrant and sweet fruit, which can be consumed both fresh and processed. Peaches are consumed in the form of compotes, jams, natural juices, even as fruit brandy.

History of peaches

The first written information about the peach on our continent is by Theophrastus, who mentions it in his writings. The place of the fruit is also given by the authors in Ancient Rome. They were mistaken that the fruit tree appeared in Persia and therefore in Latin the tree is called Persica.

It was not until the 19th century that it became clear that the homeland of the peach was China. In ancient China, the tree was deified. They believed that eating peaches guaranteed immortality.

On our continent, this fruit is also welcomed. People assign the peach an enviable place as a symbol of longevity and family happiness.

Useful properties of peach

Peach nectar
Peach nectar

The idea of the fetus as a symbol of longevity and even immortality in ancient times comes from useful properties of peaches. Although peach was considered poisonous in the Middle Ages and doctors used only the leaves of the tree, it was not long before the discovery that the fruit had strong healing properties.

Peach is a medicinal and dietary fruit because of the pectin, carotene, essential oils and organic acids it contains, such as citric, tartaric, malic. Iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, magnesium and selenium are the elements that peach is rich in. Other useful substances in it are vitamins - C, group B, PP, E, K and folic acid.

It helps with heart disease and hypertension. Participates in cancer prevention. You can treat your stomach problems and anemia with it. Peach is also suitable for boosting immunity, in arthritis and kidney disease. It is an excellent prevention against stress and depression.

Use of peach nuts

Peach nuts
Peach nuts

The peach fruit wraps around a hard stone and after consumption this stone is usually discarded. However, it contains a nut that contains no less useful substances.

On first place peach kernel contains vitamin B17, known as amygdalin, the most powerful natural remedy for cancer, as well as for its prevention. Consumption of one nut a day is an excellent prevention against cancer. The stone is dried and the nut is removed and consumed.

Peach nuts are a proven means of combating a nervous stomach. To do this, crush 3 peach nuts and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey, and the mixture should be taken twice a day before meals. Starch supports the digestive processes.

In ancient times, a cure for malaria was made from the nut and bark of the tree.

From dried nuts and kara from the tree is prepared medicine used for chronic bronchitis, asthma and respiratory problems. It facilitates the expectoration process and lowers the fever.

The bitter oil contained in the nut is used in cosmetics.
