Harmful Foods In Hashimoto

Harmful Foods In Hashimoto
Harmful Foods In Hashimoto

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland as foreign tissue. It is most common in middle-aged women.

After being diagnosed in a doctor's office, patients must undergo appropriate treatment for their condition. It includes medication and a strict diet.

The truth is that if we allow our body to effectively remove excess waste material, no matter in which direction the deviation was, the balance is restored without the need for hormone therapy. In fact, more and more endocrinologists are trying to combat Hashimoto's thyroiditis through proper nutrition.

If we stay 2-3 weeks of selected raw plant foods - a variety of fruits, vegetables (including juices and smoothies) and nuts, then feed for 10 days with added stewed vegetables, cereals and legumes, without salt and added fat, the improvement is already available.

Of course, before you know which foods can have a beneficial effect on this disease, you must first know which products are absolutely contraindicated in Hashimoto's thyroiditis to exclude them from your menu.


White flour and added sugar are forbidden and dangerous. Milk chocolates, candies, pastries, icing, soft drinks should not be taken. Instead of sugar, a good substitute is consumed - stevia.

It is extremely important that the menu does not contain foods with preservatives - when shopping, labels should be read very carefully. Meat, fruits and vegetables are desirable to soak for 15 minutes in salted water - 1 liter of water put 1 tsp.

There are no definite results from research, but it is considered good for Hashimoto's patients to limit the consumption of gluten-containing foods.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. Experts believe that its use should be minimized due to the structural similarity between gluten antigens and thyroid tissue.

It is good to reduce the amount of coffee consumed or to stop. Caffeine stimulates the release of large amounts of cortisol - a hormone of the adrenal gland, which at higher levels suppresses the function of the thyroid gland.
