What Are The Benefits Of Blackberries?

What Are The Benefits Of Blackberries?
What Are The Benefits Of Blackberries?

Like all berries, blackberries contain large amounts of antioxidants. The delicious fruit helps strengthen the nervous system and increases endurance of stress.

To find out what they are the unique beneficial properties of blackberries, just look at the rich vitamin-mineral complex contained in it.

The fruits contain vitamin C, provitamin A (carotene), almost all B vitamins (in addition, they are leading among all other fruits in terms of nicotinic acid content), vitamin E, K, P, PP. In addition, blackberries contain fiber, a number of minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, vanadium, barium, cobalt, titanium, strontium.

About 1% of the composition of the fruit is occupied by valuable organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric and salicylic. Also in blackberries there are up to 6-7% natural sugars - glucose and fructose, tocopherols, phenolic compounds with antisclerotic, capillary and anti-inflammatory action, up to 1% of pectin.

Useful properties of blackberries however, they are not only in the fruit. The leaves of the plant, which are rich in tannins (about 20%), have a healing effect - mainly leucantocyanides and flavonols, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), minerals and amino acids.

The caloric content of blackberries is low - only 36 kcal / 100 g. Blackberries are extremely useful fruit for weight loss, help cleanse the body of toxins.

Decoction of blackberry leaves is an effective diuretic and diaphoretic, it is very useful in the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis (in the form of mouthwash), all kinds of dermatological diseases. Blackberry leaf extract helps with nervous disorders and heart disease.

benefits of blackberries
benefits of blackberries

Blackberries are tasty and healthy, so it is recommended to give it to both children and adults as often as possible. It will strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, normalize all body functions.

The action of blackberries is similar to the action of raspberries - it is a natural and absolutely safe substitute for aspirin, which has a temperature-lowering effect due to the high content of bioflavonoids, antioxidants. The fruits have a therapeutic effect on almost all organs: the digestive system, nervous, urinary and cardiovascular systems.

An excellent result is observed when fresh blackberries are used for joint inflammation and diabetes. Fruits prevent the appearance of various types of tumors, inhibit the growth of tumors. Using blackberries, you can improve the activity of cerebral vessels, activate thought processes and improve memory. In addition, the general condition of the body improves, sleep is normalized and excitability is reduced.

And yet blackberries are not good for everyone.

In some people it can cause severe allergies, manifested in swelling of the mucous membranes, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, allergy sufferers should be more careful and when the first alarming symptoms appear, exclude blackberries from the diet. Also, do not get carried away with blackberries if you have increased acidity of gastric juice, diseases of the stomach and small intestine, low blood pressure and serious kidney disease.

Be sure to wash the blackberries thoroughly before use! When buying blackberries, it is important to know that they should be washed immediately before use, and before that it is better to keep them fresh in the refrigerator for no more than seven days.
