Suitable Foods For Colds

Suitable Foods For Colds
Suitable Foods For Colds

It is not necessary for colds to keep the body without food. He needs food to keep his immune system strong, able to deal with colds easily and quickly.

With a cold, the body needs many more calories. According to experts, with each elevated degree of body temperature metabolism rises by 7 percent.

With a cold It often happens that we lose appetite or experience stomach discomfort. Despite all this, we need to eat. To heal faster, we need to hydrate the body often and eat often in small portions.

For a speedy recovery, the patient's diet should include foods that provide the body with enough nutrients and fluids.

It is important to drink water, get vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The best foods for colds are:

1. Chicken soup

Everyone knows how useful chicken soup is for colds. Chicken meat contains cysteine. This is an amino acid. It helps to break down the secretions that have accumulated in the lungs. Vegetables that are used in chicken soup provide extra vitamins. It is good to put them last when cooking chicken soup. Thus, they will retain most of their nutrients. The warm broth of chicken soup hydrates the body and at the same time fights inflammatory processes in the throat.

2. Citrus fruits

Suitable foods for colds
Suitable foods for colds

Through citrus fruits you will get large amounts of vitamin C.

3. Frozen berries

If you have a sore throat, you can eat frozen berries. The cold will relieve the sore throat and at the same time we will get a large amount of vitamins.

4. Spicy food

When you have a cold, it is good to eat hot. It has a cleansing effect on the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

5. Honey

Honey and garlic for colds
Honey and garlic for colds

Take a spoonful of honey and hold it in your mouth. This way the honey will has anti-inflammatory effects on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Honey is very useful for coughs. He calms her down.

6. Garlic

Garlic contains antioxidants. They boost the immune system and get fight the common cold.

7. Tea

Tea, no matter what, contains flavonoids and polyphenols. They are many useful in combating colds. When drinking it, the tea should be warm.

If the common cold lasts more than two or three days, the diet you follow is very important. At this point, the body needs viramines and minerals to help it to deal with the common cold.
