Energy Drinks Make Children Fat

Energy Drinks Make Children Fat
Energy Drinks Make Children Fat

Consumption of energy drinks by children is extremely harmful to their health and future development. It has recently been found that their intake significantly increases their weight. In addition, energy drinks are able to cause irreparable damage to the oral cavity of the child's mouth.

The reason for weight gain in children due to the intake of harmful drinks is the fact that they contain extra calories that can not be burned by the fragile child's body.

An additional factor is the immobilization of adolescents.

This type of drink contains large amounts of taurine and caffeine, which are harmful to the body of adolescents. Taurine is conventionally accepted as an essential amino acid that contains sulfur in its molecule.

In addition to being overweight, these drinks can lead to much more serious consequences in children. Energy drinks have the ability to thicken the blood, which in turn leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. As a result of their use, blood pressure rises and heart rhythm is disturbed.

Energy drinks
Energy drinks

Side effects are also increased nervousness, acute irritability, upset stomach, dehydration, insomnia. Ultimately, the substances contained in these drinks are also addictive.

Expert advice to parents is in any case not to allow the consumption of energy and caffeinated beverages by children. The most suitable liquid for them is mineral water, which does not contain sweeteners, preservatives and other substances dangerous to the child.

Despite these warnings, however, the use of these drinks is increasing dramatically. It was recently reported that in Bulgaria every fifth child consumes energy drinks. Nearly 20% of children between fifth and seventh grade regularly consume energy fluids. In addition, 6% of children under 10 drink 5 energy drinks a week.
