Every Fifth Child Consumes Energy Drinks

Every Fifth Child Consumes Energy Drinks
Every Fifth Child Consumes Energy Drinks

Nearly 20% of children between fifth and seventh grade regularly drink taurine and caffeine, which are high in harmful amounts in large quantities. This became clear from the summarized data of the Center for Public Catering.

Even more worrying is that the consumption of energy drinks is becoming increasingly popular among the youngest. It turns out that 6% of children under 10 drink 5 energy drinks a week.

Taurine is conventionally accepted as an essential amino acid that contains sulfur in its molecule.

Energy drinks have the ability to thicken the blood, which is one of the causes of cardiovascular problems such as stroke. Abnormalities similar to those in patients with cardiovascular problems have been reported in consumers.


Popular energy drinks contain about 80 mg of caffeine. This amount is greater than the caffeine contained in a cup of coffee or two cups of tea.

Excessive energy products are also reflected in heightened nervousness, irritability, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmia) and stomach upset. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic - leading to dehydration. In addition, caffeine is addictive.

It is expected that soon the state will take control into its own hands and order the restriction of advertising of energy drinks, as well as the introduction of additional requirements for their labeling.

One of the proposals discussed is a ban on their sale to persons under a certain age. The newly formed Food Agency is also expected to conduct regular inspections of the sites that sell energy food and beverages, and the regional health inspectorates to determine what contingent of consumers buy them.
