Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks

Energy drinks or also called tonic drinks are liquids that give the body a rapid flow of energy. In our busy daily lives we often reach the limit of our strength or a feeling of drowsiness overwhelms us. In such cases, many of us resort to energy drinks as an alternative to coffee.

However, few of us are aware of the composition and ultimately the effect of these stimulants on the body. It is important to know that the amount of caffeine in a can of energy is approximately as much as 1 tsp. coffee. Unlike coffee, however, energy drinks also contain taurine and several groups of substances that tone the nervous system and are involved in energy transfer and direct energy sources.

However, after the speed boom and the massive advertising campaign of energy drinks, the findings about the harm from their consumption became more frequent. The observed lack of sufficient research and regulation of energy drinks, high consumption and the presence of frequent cases of toxicity are indeed a serious health risk in children, adolescents and adolescents.

There are countries that have already banned the consumption of energy drinks. Among them are Norway, Denmark and France, which have banned the sale of some of the most popular energy drinks. This decision in EU headquarters was made after a study with rats. Rodents were given the drink and they exhibited strange behavior, expressed in increased anxiety and a tendency to self-harm.

Energy drinks extremely often they are advertised with a sports focus and used by athletes. However, scientists have shown that depending on the way caffeine and some other ingredients affect the body, these tonics pose a risk of serious dehydration.

In the United States, these drinks are categorized as dietary supplements. This avoids the FDA's caffeine limit of about 355 ml in soft drinks. Extremely rarely, an energizing drink is accompanied by a leaflet and instructions for use, which is absolutely necessary. Of course, safety tests, which are mandatory for medicinal products, are also avoided.

However, energizing drinks have their advantages. Although their composition is unclear, caffeine energy stimulants activate the brain, and vitamin-carbohydrate energy stimulants are important for those who are actively engaged in fitness.

Two Energy Drinks
Two Energy Drinks

Composition of energy drinks

In an average portion of energy drink can be found 1/4 tsp. sugar and more caffeine than a stable and large cup of coffee. Many of these energizing tonics contain up to 400 mg and only declared caffeine. In these stimulants, undisclosed amounts come from ingredients such as guarana, cola nuts, yerba mate and cocoa. In most cases, the caffeine content in popular brands is between 80-160 mg.

These tonic drinks are not accompanied by a leaflet for their use, although it is necessary. No information is available on drug interactions, dose dependencies. At the same time, some ingredients such as 5-hydroxytryptophan, vinprocetin, yohimbine and ginseng have the potential to interact with drugs that can lead to fatalities. Energy drinks often contain additional substances that are thought to pose potential dangers in combination with caffeine and other medications.

It is clear that caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. It has the ability to reduce the feeling of drowsiness and sharpen concentration and attention. Theobromine is known to be a weak stimulant of the central nervous system and the heart. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels by relaxing the smooth muscle fibers in their walls, prolonging the life of some catabolic hormones.

Recommended doses for energy drinks

A maximum caffeine intake of 2.5 mg / kg in children and 100 mg / kg in adolescents is recommended.

People who are not athletes should not drink more than one energy drink a day. It should never be mixed with alcohol. They should drink plenty of water after exercising. For people with high blood pressure, it is strictly not recommended to drink energy drinks. Those of you who have any health problems should consult your personal physician before consuming such a drink.

Benefits of energy drinks

The benefits of energy drinks are associated only with temporary stimulation of the nervous system as a coffee substitute. Consumed during the day in moderate doses, the energy drink refreshes more strongly and for a longer time than 1 tsp. coffee. In addition, energy drinks have the ability to activate the digestive system, as well as the release of insulin, stopping catabolism.

Mandatory in reasonable quantities, energy drinks can increase concentration and improve reactions. During intense physical training, fatigue and stress, they restore the body. In addition, they enhance mental activity by stimulating the central nervous system. Ultimately, they can improve mood and tone by supplying the body with vitamins, minerals and energy.

Energy drinks
Energy drinks

Harm from energy drinks

Mixing energy drinks with hard alcohol can be detrimental to the heart, health experts say. Even sudden death is not excluded, and the easiest option is to just get into toxicology for 2-3 days. Of course, this is not mandatory and people have no problem drinking 2-3 glasses of whiskey with 2-3 energy drinks - something that is even a manifestation of bad taste in alcohol consumption.

Shortly after the boom in the consumption of energy drinks, the cases of poisoning from the toxic combination with alcohol began to become more frequent. News headlines such as "Energy drinks block the brain and heart", "Energy drinks make children fat", "Energy drinks lead to alcoholism", "Energy drinks can kill you" have become more frequent and have limited the indiscriminate consumption of these fluids..

Some medical studies on physically active young and old people show the results that these drinks can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Fortunately, more serious effects such as heart attacks, seizures or deaths are rare, but not in favor of energy drinks.

From excessive consumption of energy drinks It leads to an extremely unpleasant condition, because sometimes the high content of caffeine, guarana, ginseng and taurine can cause mania, seizures, seizures and even lead to death - death. These drinks should never be consumed by pregnant women as they can cause serious harm to the fetus.

There are countless reported cases of excessive consumption of energy drinks are associated with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rhabdomyolysis, tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, liver damage, renal failure, respiratory disorders, agitation, confusion, seizures, psychotic states and even death. For adolescents, caffeine in energy drinks can interfere with bone mineralization during the period of skeletal development.
