Bio Individuality Determines Our Diet

Bio Individuality Determines Our Diet
Bio Individuality Determines Our Diet

The nutrition of individuals depends on the type bioindividualityto which they belong. The concept of bioindividuality defines different types of bioindividuality according to different factors. These are the origin, the metabolic type, and also the blood type.

Depending on where you were born and raised, your diet is also determined. It is normal to like products that are specific to the area in which you were born and raised.

Therefore, people who were born and raised in Asian countries cannot process fresh milk. In some of these countries there are no established traditions for consuming milk.


Bioindividuality is also determined by the metabolic type of the organism. It depends on the food preferred by a certain person.

The carbohydrate type eats mainly vegetables, fruits and pasta, while the protein type eats mainly meat and meat products.

There is a third metabolic type - this is the mixed type, which gives equal preferences to meat and vegetable foods.

In general, the protein type is prone to overeating and gaining weight, and the carbohydrate type, as well as the mixed type, manages to keep more or less the same weight without much exercise.


That is why if you live well and do not eat meat every day, do not force yourself, because your body does not need it. If you prefer meat to vegetables, you should not force yourself, but eat what you want.

Your body knows best what it needs. Another way to divide bioindividuality is according to blood type.

Many people eat according to their blood type and find that they feel better this way. You can get tested for tolerance to certain foods according to blood type.

If you do not know what is yours bioindividuality, try different types of foods to find out what you like best and after eating it, you feel good. This way you will find out what is most suitable for you.
