Lose A Kilo A Week With 1 Teaspoon Of Honey Before Bedtime

Lose A Kilo A Week With 1 Teaspoon Of Honey Before Bedtime
Lose A Kilo A Week With 1 Teaspoon Of Honey Before Bedtime

There is so much information on how to lose weight - it is enough to just want to lose a few pounds. In addition to the well-known diets and exercises, we can drink different types of tablets, teas, etc.

Of course, all the pills we can find promise us that we will look like mannequins, without any physical effort.

According to a scientist, we do not need all these options, because we can lose a kilo and a half in a week, only with the help of 1 tbsp. honey every day.

It is enough to eat it before bedtime - the program was developed by nutritionist Mike Mackins. He claims that the unique combination of natural sugars found in honey makes it an almost ideal dietary food.

Healthy sleep
Healthy sleep

The information is published on the pages of the Daily Mail. The nutritionist claims that a spoonful of honey before bed will not only save us from the extra pounds, but will also do it in the easiest way possible. It will not be necessary to undergo various diets that torment you.

The nutritionist also explains that for greater effect, we can replace the sugar we consume during the day with honey. In the evening, before going to bed, we must dissolve a tablespoon of honey in warm water and drink it - this way the mechanisms of the brain that cause the desire for sweets will be blocked.

Many of the foods that are consumed and perceived as healthy actually contain white flour and hidden sugars. This means that a person's blood sugar levels rise and can reach too high levels. The body copes with the sugar overdose by releasing insulin - it filters the sugar out of the blood and stores it as fat.

Weight loss
Weight loss

The nutritionist claims that with his diet we can protect our cells from possible sugar overload. Mackins explains that when the brain is hungry, it tries to get sugar from every possible source.

According to the nutritionist, honey is the only remedy that can break this cycle. He is convinced that a glass of water with honey before bed is enough to reverse the process. Drinking warm fresh water will even allow a person to sleep better. Thus, each person's body can quickly recover and burn fat.

For even better effect, the nutritionist recommends following the following rules:

- Replace sugar completely with honey;

- Do not buy donuts, pizzas, burgers or fried foods;

- Choose unrefined carbohydrates, but still do not overdo it;

- Remove potatoes from your menu or at least reduce their quantity;

- Get protein - it's good to have them in every meal;

- Set aside one day a week in which you do not consume carbohydrates;

- Emphasize vegetables and eat two fruits a day, as they are full of sugar;

- Eat whole milk products.
