Beet Leaves - Benefits And Application

Beet Leaves - Benefits And Application
Beet Leaves - Benefits And Application

Most people eat only beetroot, not knowing that its leaves are no less useful. Most often they are introduced into the diet of grazing animals, but if you have certain knowledge and appropriate recipes with beets, you will be able to cook healthy and delicious food with useful beet leaves them.

Why the use of green parts of beets is useful and whether it is really worth paying attention to this part of the root crop, let's try to understand.

Beet leaves are also revered by our ancestors, from whom many recipes for their preparation can be borrowed. Adding them to the diet helps maintain health for many years, which is largely due to the presence of ascorbic acid (fights depression and strengthens fragile capillaries), as well as folic acid (activates the brain and nervous system).

Beet leaves abound in useful components, and their regular consumption can give a powerful detox to various organs in our body. Wed. useful substances of beet leaves it is worth noting such components as:

- B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9 - are responsible for metabolism and are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, strengthening the immune system, optimal functioning of the heart and other internal organs;

Beet leaves
Beet leaves

- Vitamin A (it is abundant in beet leaves) - it is responsible for the timely rejuvenation of skin cells, visual acuity and smooth functioning of the digestive system;

- Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - is directly involved in the redox processes necessary for fat metabolism, and also prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and improves metabolism;

- Minerals - magnesium, iron, aluminum, copper, calcium, chlorine and many other macro-and micronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Flavonoids are substances that have anti-inflammatory action, cleanse the body of harmful compounds and improve metabolism.

- Organic acids, carotenoids and amino acids also strengthen the body.

Folic acid occupies a very important place in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it helps to avoid problems with fetal development. Carotenoids have a positive effect on human vision and are a good prophylactic against cancer, especially lung cancer, and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Choline (Vitamin B4) - has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and prevents its fatty degeneration.

Pectic substances inhibit the activity of harmful intestinal bacteria, which has a positive effect on metabolism, and regular use of such herbs will protect you from atherosclerosis.

Salad with beet leaves
Salad with beet leaves

Regular use of beet leaves as food helps the overall health of the body, namely:

- normalize digestion (beet leaves, like the root, have a mild laxative effect and help cleanse the intestines of toxins and other harmful compounds);

- regulation of metabolism (fat metabolism is accelerated, the production of digestive juices and enzymes is stimulated);

rejuvenation of cells and tissues (useful components of beet leaves contribute to the formation of new cells, stimulate the growth and development of tissues, thus slowing down the aging of organs);

- Improving heart function (high content of vitamins, especially B9, has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and contributes to the disappearance of blood clots and cholesterol plaques).
