What To Use Beet Leaves?

What To Use Beet Leaves?
What To Use Beet Leaves?

Beet tubers, along with leaves, belong to the sweet grass family. There they fall along with other greens such as spinach, kale, white quince and other wild plants, all included in the dark green leafy vegetables.

Because it grows quickly and copes well with low temperatures, beet cultivation began as early as 2000 years ago, first in the Mediterranean region. The Babylonians cultivated it in the VIII century, and in China about 850 years after the new era it is already a known culture.

The tuber is what is of major interest from a culinary point of view, although the Romans first used only the leaves for food and left the fruit for medicinal purposes. Today, the leaves are also consumed, mostly for salads and side dishes. They also make a good vegetable broth. It is best to consume up to 2-3 days after being stored in the refrigerator.

What are the health benefits of beet leaves?

Sarmi with beet leaves
Sarmi with beet leaves

From them the body can get many useful nutrients. Protein and fiber are obtained in good amounts from beetroot salad or soup, but also phosphorus and zinc. Antioxidants are in good stock in these leaves, as well as vitamins - B6, A, C, K. Trace elements - magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, beta carotene. The good news is that fats are low, as is bad cholesterol. The leaves have a higher nutritional value than the tubers, and the iron in them is in excellent values. The green part of the vegetables has benefits for the whole organism, and together they offer excellent dishes for the table.

What to use beet leaves?

Green beet leaves can be used in cooking processed or fresh on a salad. Another way to extract nutrients from them is by squeezing the juice.

Culinary ideas with beet leaves

Salad with beet leaves
Salad with beet leaves

The standard green salad can be varied by shredding the beet leaves without the veins, sprinkling with olive oil and lemon juice and adding walnuts, cheese or boiled chicken to taste.

Beetroot leaf soup is prepared according to the same recipe as nettle soup or spinach soup.

Stewed beetroot or steamed spinach leaves, finely chopped, sprinkled with olive oil and soy sauce can be spread on a slice as a vegetarian breakfast.

Beet leaves make an excellent tandem with eggs. You can make an omelette with green leafy vegetables or a quiche of beet leaves for dinner.

Again stewed, the dark green leaves are a beautiful colored filling in the lasagna and can also be served with seafood.

The green shake from beet leaves with selected fruit and water will bring freshness in the summer.

Properly selected foods are also an excellent medicine and this is their great importance.
