How To Make Delicious Fruit Jelly

How To Make Delicious Fruit Jelly
How To Make Delicious Fruit Jelly

For the preparation of fruit jellies with a rich but at the same time light taste, sugar, fruits, nuts, fruit juices, eggs, milk, cream, cereals are used.

In addition, vanilla, cinnamon, grated orange or lemon peel, citric acid, coffee, cocoa, wine and liqueurs are used to improve the taste and aroma of the jellies.

Gelatin, agar-agar and starch, mainly potato and corn, are used as gelling agents. For the preparation of most jellies, the fruits are mashed in advance.

In order to better mash apples and pears, they must be baked or pre-cooked. Plums, peaches, apricots and all other stone fruits are lightly boiled in sugar syrup for twenty minutes.

Raspberries and strawberries are mashed raw. When using fruit juices and other fortified products, they should not be heated more than ninety degrees.

Sugar is used to make jellies, which can be in the form of crystals or powder. To obtain a sugar syrup, the sugar is dissolved in water, heated to boiling, the foam formed is removed and then filtered.

Traditionally, German fruit jellies are made with the addition of cinnamon and cloves, and the French - with a lot of vanilla. Jelly can be sparse or thick.

Jelly Cream
Jelly Cream

To prepare a thick jelly, you will need half a tablespoon of starch per teaspoon of liquid, for medium-thick jelly - 1 tablespoon for the whole jelly, and for a semi-liquid consistency - half a teaspoon of starch for the whole jelly.

To do this, the starch must be mixed with chilled boiled water or sugar syrup prepared for jelly. The cornstarch is diluted with milk and filtered.

The dissolved starch is poured into the boiling fruit syrup, and after boiling, it is stirred, and when it reaches a thicker consistency, it is removed from the heat and cooled.

If you prepare the jelly properly, it will preserve the vitamins of the fruit. First squeeze the fruit juice or mash the fruit. The remnants of the puree or straining of the juice are poured with cold water and sugar, boiled and filtered.

Then boil. Strain and add starch diluted with four times the amount of water. Pour the starch on the edges of the pan and stir constantly.

Put on the stove and as soon as bubbles appear, remove from the heat. Stir in the jelly and add the raw juice or raw mashed fruit and no longer put on the stove.

You can make jelly not with fruit, but with a decoction of cereals to puree. Initially, jellies were made without sugar and gradually began to add honey, jam, fruit juices.
