Prohibited Foods In Renal Failure

Prohibited Foods In Renal Failure
Prohibited Foods In Renal Failure

The condition of renal failure is characterized by the inability of the kidneys to perform their functions of purifying the blood and urine. There are two varieties of this disease - acute and chronic insufficiency.

While the former is temporary and reversible, the latter is permanent. Regardless of the type of kidney failure, if the diagnosis is made, some basic rules about daily life and especially the foods to be consumed must already be followed.

The main thing in the diet for kidney disease is the exclusion of salt from food. Here are the other forbidden foods for kidney failure.

Canned vegetables are absolutely forbidden because of the substances they contain, which the kidney affected by the disease cannot process.

This group also includes sausages, smoked and canned meats, white brined cheese, yellow cheese, ocean fish, salted cottage cheese, sauerkraut, pickles, and egg whites. Most of the listed products are prohibited for consumption due to their high salt content.


Protein, in turn, also inhibits kidney function, so foods based on this should also be limited. Any such product with a content of 5 to 10 percent protein is completely prohibited.

These include brain, kidney, pork chops, ham, goose, mussels, milk powder, egg white, cheese, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

The banned list also includes ripe beans, ripe peas, dried mushrooms, beef, sheep, lamb and pork. Liver, game, all kinds of fish, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream and yellow cheese should not be consumed.

Among the plant products forbidden foods are radishes, sorrel, asparagus, spinach, parsley. Also, again with the idea of not inhibiting kidney function, it is contraindicated to consume onions, garlic, pepper, mustard and all hot spices and herbs.
