The Secret Of Delicious Shrimp

The Secret Of Delicious Shrimp
The Secret Of Delicious Shrimp

Most seafood lovers prefer shrimp, as they are not only a real delicacy, but also very tasty. In addition to having juicy meat, they contain many vitamins and valuable trace elements and minerals that are very useful for the human body. It is impossible to miss their rich content of iodine, which is vital for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is difficult to come across shrimp that are not cooked properly, because their culinary processing is very easy. However, if you haven't cooked shrimp at home yet, here's what's important to know:

1. It is very important to buy really fresh shrimp, even if they are frozen. As with other seafood, their durability is not very great, so trust retail chains with a proven name;

2. Don't think that larger shrimp are tastier than smaller ones. The size of course matters and it is not advisable to take the smallest shrimp to eat as seeds. However, it is enough that they do not exceed 7 cm. Usually shrimp, which are about 6-7 cm, are the most juicy;

3. If you bought frozen shrimp, do not thaw them in boiling water or in the microwave, because they will lose many of the valuable substances contained in them. It is best to put them in a bowl from the previous day and put them in the refrigerator;

Fried shrimp
Fried shrimp

4. The preferred method of heat treatment of shrimp is cooking. They are put in boiling salted water and boiled until they acquire their characteristic pinkish color;

5. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp, because it will become tasteless and tough. About 5-10 minutes are enough for them - depending on their size. Once cooked, leave them for another 10 minutes in the broth they released themselves to be really juicy;

6. Blanched shrimp are practically ready for consumption, but due to the risk of developing bacteria, it is good to fill them with boiling water, and it is best to boil them for 2-3 minutes;

7. The cooking time of shrimp depends a lot on their size and type, so follow the instructions of the recipes according to which you will cook them. Tiger prawns, for example, require a little more processing time;

8. Shrimp can also be stewed, fried and even baked on a skewer. Just remember that they do not require prolonged heat treatment.
