Original Decoration For Easter Cake (GALLERY)

Original Decoration For Easter Cake (GALLERY)
Original Decoration For Easter Cake (GALLERY)

Easter cakes with raisins, marmalade, walnuts are a classic for the Bulgarian table during the Easter holidays. But if you are already getting bored and this year you want to try something else, you can draw inspiration from Western culture, where they prepare for the Resurrection Easter cakes with rich thematic decoration.

Here's a recipe for a quick Easter cake in case you can't spend much time cooking:

Necessary products: 3 ready-made cake marshmallows, 500 g sour cream, 1 vanilla powder, 2 cubes of cream cheese, 1/2 tsp. powdered sugar, juice of 1 compote, 2 bars of chocolate, chocolate eggs

Method of preparation: Beat the sugar with cream cheese and add sour cream and vanilla to the result. We take a ready loaf and syrup it with a little compote juice. Spread it well with the prepared cream.

Next is a new loaf, which we also syrup and spread with cream. Place the third loaf on top, which is slightly syrupy only on the underside. We water it with the chocolate bars melted in advance in a water bath. Put the cake to cool for 3-4 hours. Before serving, decorate it with chocolate eggs.

Of course, when preparing an Easter cake you can choose any themed decoration to your liking. Take a look at our gallery, where you will find more original and colorful ideas to make your whole family happy.
