What Spices Are Put On The Dryer?

What Spices Are Put On The Dryer?
What Spices Are Put On The Dryer?

Appetizers are our favorite part of the homemade winter delicacies that we prepare to please both ourselves and our loved ones. The preparation of dried apricots and other similar appetizers, however, has its subtleties associated with the necessary spices to flavor them.

One of the great advantages is that the appetizers, and in general the home-made culinary creations, are not full of harmful E's, preservatives and other similar additives, which we know to be present in the ones bought from the store. The best combination of spices for home drying are:

- pepper;

- paprika;

- thyme;

- sol.

Spices in the preparation of homemade dried fruit
Spices in the preparation of homemade dried fruit

In the preparation of homemade dried fruit, the meat is seasoned first with salt and then with the other spices. It must stand for 24 hours with the salt to soften and absorb it well.

After a day, you should rinse it, and then deal with the very flavoring with the remaining aromatic spices. To do this, mix them in a bowl and roll the meat very well in them.

It is important to press it well so that the mixture sticks well to it. Once you are done with this stage, you should nail the fish to one end with twine or stronger thread, and hang it to dry in a cool place that is well ventilated.

It is also important to cover afterwards the dried fruit with a piece of torn paper, but keep in mind that it should not wrap the piece of meat very tightly.

Once you have successfully mastered the above steps, you should wait about 2 weeks and you will have a delicious and very appetizing homemade sushenica, which is an ideal appetizer for wine or brandy.

Keep in mind, however, that the cooking time also depends on the thickness of the fish. If it is thicker, you will have to wait a little longer.
