Health Benefits Of Stevia

Health Benefits Of Stevia
Health Benefits Of Stevia

Stevia is a very useful plant that you can even grow in a pot. Stevia is known not only for its honey taste, but also for its benefits to human health.

Stevia, which is used as a sugar substitute, contains valuable vitamins and minerals. It improves the work of the stomach and intestines, as well as some glands - thyroid, pancreas and prostate.

Stevia restores liver cells, improves metabolism and has a very good effect on the immune system. With regular use, stevia can reduce the risk of ischemic disease and atherosclerosis. Stevia has a purifying effect on the circulatory system.

Stevia is an indispensable helper in the fight against excess weight. With regular use of stevia lowers blood sugar levels. This unique plant has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity thanks to special substances in its leaves, which are called stevosides.

They protect teeth from caries, stabilize the condition of the gums, help treat periodontitis and gingivitis. If wounds are washed with a solution of stevia, they heal much faster and leave no scars.


For injuries, burns and pimples, a compress of stevia leaves, washed and lightly crushed with your fingers, is recommended. If the skin is damaged, a decoction of stevia is recommended.

This decoction is prepared by wrapping 2 tablespoons of chopped stevia leaves in gauze and tying. Boil in a glass of water for half an hour on low heat. The gauze is removed and the decoction can be used for two days.

In case of obesity, stevia tea is recommended. It is prepared by pouring 2 teaspoons of dried stevia with 200 milliliters of hot water and leaving it covered for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 100 milliliters twice a day.

This tea helps hair growth faster and protects against dandruff - it should be rubbed into the scalp twice a week.

Before that, the tea should be well cooled so as not to damage the skin. If pigment spots are rubbed with this tea, they lighten and the skin becomes more elastic.
