For The Unsuspected Benefits Of Pear Tea

For The Unsuspected Benefits Of Pear Tea
For The Unsuspected Benefits Of Pear Tea

The pear is a soft, sweet and fragrant fruit, known and liked since ancient times. Even Homer tells about it in the Odyssey, emphasizing the advantages of the divine fruit. In addition to its taste, this fruit contains a whole range of health benefits. It has a beneficial effect on every organ and part of the body. People have discovered the amazing useful properties of the pear and therefore use all its parts - the fruits themselves, the seeds, the leaves and the bark. Each part of the pear has some useful substances in it.

At least one third of the weight of the fruit is the fiber in it. The high water content suggests that it is a diet food. It is no coincidence that it is recommended as one of the first solid foods for feeding infants - it is a fruit that is easily digested and has a sweet taste. Pear is hypoallergenic and contains many phytonutrients.

The beneficial substances are represented by folic acid, choline, vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, lutein, vitamin K and all of them are all known for their health benefits. Phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium make the fruit a good prophylactic in high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

Apart from being a fresh fruit, pears are also consumed as jam, roasted, boiled, in compotes and juices, as fruit brandy or as a decoction and drink pear tea in case of various complaints.

Pear iced tea
Pear iced tea

Pear tea is applied mainly for health complaints. The most commonly used fruits are dried and crushed. The infusion with dried pears is suitable for stomach ailments. It is also used as a sedative and to lower the temperature of natural origin.

The dried fruits of the wild pear are used to make tea, which is used for kidney stones. It also has a diuretic effect and is used for heart complaints as well as fever. In case of stomach disorders in children, a decoction of dried fruit is made, which is mixed with oats. It has a tightening effect.

Dried fruit tea is prepared as a decoction according to a special recipe and is drunk in limited quantities in diabetes. The pectin, which is in high doses in pears, makes the infusion of the fruit a suitable drink even for high cholesterol.
