It Is Filled With Antidepressants And Other Pills

It Is Filled With Antidepressants And Other Pills
It Is Filled With Antidepressants And Other Pills

When a person takes medication for certain diseases, he rarely expects to gain weight. However, this happens in many cases. Most drugs cause bloating and increased appetite, slowing metabolism.

See some of the medications that may make you gain weight.

Antidepressants - they not only affect mental activity, but also affect the receptors that send commands to the brain for hunger and satiety. These pills can significantly increase the appetite and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed to become greater. People who take antidepressants can follow different weight loss diets, but it is not recommended to stop taking their pills.

Allergy medications cause increased hunger, drowsiness and lethargy. The good news is that people taking such drugs gain 1% or more weight.

It is filled with antidepressants and other pills
It is filled with antidepressants and other pills

Medicines for diabetes - very often, patients with type 2 diabetes are prescribed medications that contain sulfonylureas. They stimulate the body to produce more insulin, but sometimes lower blood sugar so much that severe hunger occurs. So people start consuming larger amounts of food.

Steroids - they are used to treat asthma, arthritis and allergies.

However, too much of them triggers the release of the stress hormone - cortisol. In stressful situations, the body needs more energy, so this hormone sends fat to the stomach, where it accumulates easily. This leads to weight gain. The causes are still unclear, but fat is also accumulating behind the neck.

Steroids also get more sugar into the bloodstream, which causes fluid retention and fat accumulation.

Blood pressure medications - beta blockers are taken for high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and nervous tension. They slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure, but at the same time slow down the metabolism and weaken the body's ability to burn calories. People who have been taking these medications for years can gain up to 9 kg.
