Recipes For Restoring The Disturbed Salt Balance In The Body

Recipes For Restoring The Disturbed Salt Balance In The Body
Recipes For Restoring The Disturbed Salt Balance In The Body

Water-salt balance is the ratio between the quantities water and salts (electrolytes)which enter the body and are removed from it. Our well-known compound H2O is the basis of all living beings! Without it we will not last even three days!

Back in school we were told that we were partly made up of water. To stay young and energetic longer, we need to drink enough water every day. In fact, there is no specific figure, each organism has its own norm. It is enough to know your weight and the fact that you need about 30-50 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, this means that you should drink from 1.5 liters (30 ml * 50 kg) to 2.5 liters (50 ml * 50 kg) of water per day. These numbers may vary depending on the current climate.

Do not confuse thirst with hunger

In the civilized world we have completely forgotten how to recognize our reflexes, we do not listen to our body at all, for which we pay with our health. Thirst is not hunger. But we often confuse these two concepts and instead of drinking a glass of clean water, we eat fried cutlets with pasta or a muffin with jam, which significantly disturbs the water-salt balance. Insufficient water slows down the breakdown of fats, as the liver has to rush to the aid of the kidneys, which means slowing down the metabolism and then we can say welcome to the extra pounds. Therefore, if you think you are hungry, drink a glass of water and wait; if the body calms down, then you were just thirsty, but if not, then it's time to eat.


Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body
Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body

Every day we lose much more water than we gain - through the kidneys, intestines, skin and even the lungs. Therefore, if we do not replenish H2O reserves permanently, we can dehydrate our body. As a rule, dehydration occurs during exercise, overheating and especially after a hectic alcohol weekend. Also, if you take various diuretics, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated. And this, in turn, leads to increased content of mineral salts in the blood and respectively to water retention in the body.

Salts (electrolytes)

Electrolytes are electrically charged ions, by means of which electrical impulses are transmitted through the cell membranes of nerves and muscles, including the heart, and control the acidity of the blood. The kidneys and adrenal glands are very responsible for maintaining the required level of electrolytes in the blood.

Basic electrolytes and products with their content:

- Sodium: sodium chloride, plant and animal foods;

- Calcium: milk and dairy products, vegetables, spices for green food;

- Potassium: meat, dried fruits (raisins), nuts;

- Chlorine: salt, plant and animal foods;

Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body
Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body

- Phosphorus: milk, fish, meat, nuts, cereals, eggs;

- Iron: liver, meat, fish, eggs, dried fruits, nuts;

- Iodine: seafood, fish oil, iodized salt;

- Magnesium: meat, milk, cereals;

- Honey: eggs, liver, kidneys, spinach, grapes, fish;

- Fluoride: tea, seafood, cereals, fruits, vegetables;

- Sulfur: meat, liver, fish, eggs;

- Zinc: meat, beans, crabs, egg yolk;

- Cobalt: the liver.

During exercise with sweat we lose electrolytes, especially sodium and potassium. The lack of balance occurs due to the following reasons: malnutrition, thyroid imbalance, use of any medications, excessive vomiting and diarrhea, as well as excessive water consumption.

To avoid electrolyte deficiency, first of all, you need to monitor your diet, it should be balanced and include all the nutrients. Eat more green leafy vegetables, lean meats, grains and legumes, fish, eggs, raw nuts and seeds.

As for those who can not live without sports - during training and then it is necessary to fill the body with electrolytes. But there is one problem - factory electrolyte drinks are full of preservatives, all kinds of harmful additives and high sugar content. There is always an exit!

Here are some recipes for home cooking beverages to compensate for lost electrolytes:

Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body
Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body

1. Mix the following ingredients in a blender:

- 2 bananas;

- 2 tsp. strawberries or watermelon or 3 glasses of coconut juice;

- 1 tsp. ice water;

- 1 tsp. natural sea salt;

- The juice of half a lemon.

2. Mix:

- 1 liter of water;

- ¼ tsp natural sea salt;

- ½ tsp Vitamin C

- 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice (lemon, lime, watermelon or orange);

- ½ tsp stevia (you can without it).

Useful recipe for breakfast:

Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body
Recipes for restoring the disturbed balance of salt in the body


- 450 g of cottage cheese

- 2 eggs

- 3 proteins

- 4 tbsp. semolina

- 4 tbsp. ground oatmeal

- 1 tsp. baking powder

- a handful of goji berries (or raisins)

- stevia

Mix everything, put in a silicone mold and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
