The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History Of The Fig

Video: The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History Of The Fig

Video: The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History Of The Fig
Video: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (The Forbidden Fruit) Bible Stories - See U in History 2024, December
The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History Of The Fig
The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History Of The Fig

Overflowing with aromas of fruits and vegetables, autumn is fig season. Sweet and delicious, their unique scent makes them ideal for dessert, jam or even raw. Full of vitamins and minerals, even fig leaves are useful. But do we know everything about them?

The fig tree is the only European member of a tropical family called Ficus, comprising more than 600 species. Since it has been cultivated for thousands of years in the European basin, it is part of many stories and myths.

One of them is related to Odysseus. To escape the terrible sea monster Charybdis, he relies on a fig tree. Plutarch reports that the fig softens the skin. And under what tree do you think Remus and Romulus, the founders of Rome, sucked from their wolf? Under the fig, of course!

And before we take a walk in the Garden of Eden, where it also has its place, let's note that just like the strawberry, the fig is propagated vegetatively. It has pink flowers and fruits with cartilaginous grains between the teeth. However, they never manage to fall, so they rely on the help of microscopic insects to ensure their reproduction.

The fig tree
The fig tree

Although worshiped today, the fig tree has a dark past, for a long time it has been pointed at by the Church. The reason is rooted in the first days of the creation of the world. In their Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had the imprudence to bite off the apple forbidden to them by God, and suddenly saw that they were naked. Then our disobedient ancestors resorted to the fig tree.

In Genesis 3, verse 7 of the Old Testament, it says: Then the eyes of the two were opened, and they knew that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves and made aprons.

From then on, the fig tree became an erotic symbol, which quickly gained her notoriety, and it became a fruit juicy with soil from the church.

Here are a few the fact about figsyou may not know:

The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History of the Fig
The Forbidden Fruit: The Secret History of the Fig

Figs are one of the sweetest fruits - they contain about 55% natural sugar.

They have the fame of the most perishable fruits. Even in the refrigerator, they can last only a day or two before they spoil.

They have many useful properties due to their composition. They contain a high amount of calcium, which helps against high cholesterol. They are also rich in iron and manganese, which make them a natural remedy for anemia.
