Second Consecutive Brandy Festival In Sofia

Second Consecutive Brandy Festival In Sofia
Second Consecutive Brandy Festival In Sofia

For the second year in a row, the Balkan Brandy Festival will be held in the capital from October 23rd to 26th. More than 200 types of brandies and spirits will be presented at the festival.

The event will take place in the National Palace of Culture from 12:00 to 20:00. During the festival will be presented both native brandies and foreign production from Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Macedonia.

This is the second edition of the Balkan festival. Last year, the event managed to gather over 5,000 visitors and over 30 companies that presented their production.


This year, too, a collector's exhibition, master classes and lectures, as well as cocktails with traditional and non-traditional drinks will be presented.

Under the program of the festival is organized the competition Product of the consumer, together with the Association of Active consumers, which will determine the favorite brandy of the customers.

The ticket price for the festival will be only 7 leva, and persons under 18 will not be admitted to the event. The ticket will provide a visit to the stands and tastings.

During the Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to taste fruit, grape and anise brandies and other high-alcohol beverages such as Serbian, Turkish brandy and Greek ouzo.

Within the Balkan festival Vinprom Svishtov will present its latest product Brandy, which is created according to an old Svishtov recipe.

The new brandy is seasoned with honey and forest herbs, has a unique aroma, soft and pleasant taste, double distilled and aged in oak barrels.

Apart from the Bulgarian producers, some of the largest producers of spirits from the Balkans will join the festival.

Turkish brandy is called crayfish and grapes and anise are distilled. It differs from ouzo, sambuca and mastic because there are no other herbs in it. Cancer is often drunk diluted with water and ice.

The typical ouzo Matarelli will also be presented at the festival. Ouzo Matarelli is the only ouzo produced in the Polichitos area of Lisvory, the place where the best anise in the world is produced.
