What Is Ashwagandha And How It Helps

What Is Ashwagandha And How It Helps
What Is Ashwagandha And How It Helps

Apparently we have already intrigued you with our title, so we will go directly to the topic and reveal to you what lies behind the name ashwagandha “.

This name comes from Sanskrit and is the name of an herb that is very famous in India. As famous as chamomile and thyme are for Bulgaria or as much as ginseng is for China. Which reminds us to share that ashwagandha is known and as Indian ginseng.

Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the herb should mean horse scent due to its intrusive smell while fresh, but it may also mean that it gives you strength like a horse. Because for centuries it has been used to give strength to people and strengthen the immune system.

Nowadays ashwagandha is used both to protect us from disease and against insomnia or stress. There are even a number of studies on the treatment of depression with the help of ashwagandha.

It is interesting to note that all parts of Indian ginseng are usable for medicinal purposes, but the most important are its roots and seeds, which are offered dried to make tea or other beverages.

However, you will most often find Ashwagandha in the form of a dietary supplement, immunomodulators or immunostimulants. In fact, the names listed are often used for the same type of product.

what is ashwagandha
what is ashwagandha

Whether you come across them as dietary supplements or immunomodulators, it is important to make sure they are not synthetic drugs or medications. They must be an all-natural product, which in addition to ashwagandha may include other herbs, but not obscure chemical names.

Keep in mind that all food supplements, whether with ashwagandha or not, are in no way a substitute for a varied diet, and that they are used only for a certain period of time.

Otherwise, you can achieve a completely different effect and after prolonged use to pamper your body so much that it can not adequately respond to the outside world without taking a particular food supplement.

Just watch strictly how to take these natural products, and the good news is that our market now offers a variety of food supplements, the main ingredient of which is the Indian miracle ashwagandha.
