Eat Seaweed Every Day For Health

Eat Seaweed Every Day For Health
Eat Seaweed Every Day For Health

To be healthy, we must eat algae every day, a team of Danish scientists is adamant. Seafood superfoods are a healthy supplement that prevents obesity and all the problems and diseases that it brings with it. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Biophysicists at the University of South Denmark have discovered that algae contain substances that have many health benefits. Specialists studied the nutritional profiles of a total of 35 species of algae. Most of them have proven to be extremely useful for the human body.

They contain essential amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids and in general - a whole range of healthy nutrients. The daily dose of algae should be about 5-10 g in dried form, experts say. The dose is indicative and may vary.

According to scientists, food producers need to think about ways in which they can turn algae into a common ingredient in the foods we eat every day. They are adamant that there is no obstacle to adding small amounts of seaweed to any processed foods such as hot dogs, frozen pizzas and even burgers.

The best option is to absorb the dried algae in the food we eat. For example, we can add a little dried and granulated seaweed to the dough.

Of course, they can also be taken as a spice. They are suitable for flavoring because the calcium salts in them do not lead to an increase in blood pressure like sodium. However you prefer them, be sure that if you eat them every day, you will significantly improve your health.
