That's Why You Need To Eat Onions Every Day

That's Why You Need To Eat Onions Every Day
That's Why You Need To Eat Onions Every Day

Legend has it that the wedding procession in some southern nations was led by a bridegroom who proudly wore an onion wreath around his neck - a symbol of the well-being of young families.

How did this tradition originate? The reason is that the bulbs in the braids are stored much longer than individually. Good tradition, isn't it?

But onions are also an excellent healer and an indispensable product in any kitchen.

1). The onion destroys bacteria. The phytotonids contained in onions have a detrimental effect on bacteria and other viruses;

2). Onions are an indispensable healer for colds, sore throats, coughs. It is very useful to inhale money from the tincture of onion peels. The cough is treated with onion juice mixed with honey or sugar syrup. And if you add a grated apple to the onion, this medicine is great for tonsillitis;

3). The fact is that onions stimulate our appetite, but also improve digestion, increase the secretion of gastric juice and create the best conditions for digestion;

4). In folk medicine, onion has long been used as an aphrodisiac, which increases the strength of men;

5). Fresh, grated onion helps with bruises and bruises.

It is important to know! If you have problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, stomach ulcer, even in small quantities you can eat onions only with the permission of your doctor.
