Seaweed And Their Remarkable Health Benefits

Seaweed And Their Remarkable Health Benefits
Seaweed And Their Remarkable Health Benefits

Fresh from the sea or ocean, with a number of health benefits, seaweed is a delicacy, which unfortunately is rarely present at our table, but in fact deserves a proper place in our menu.

Here are some reasons why you should start you eat more seaweed:

1. Strengthen bones

According to some scientists, algae contain approximately seven times more calcium than milk. This is one of the main reasons that seaweed is a suitable food for everyone. Calcium helps strengthen the developing bones of children, while protecting the bones of the elderly.

2. An excellent source of iron

If you are looking for new sources of iron to include in your diet, then seaweed is perfect for you. They are especially useful for people who follow a diet low or no animal protein. In fact, a third cup of kelp, a type of seaweed, contains nearly 30% of the recommended daily allowance for iron.

benefits of seaweed kelp
benefits of seaweed kelp

3. Absorb fat

Consumption of seaweed successfully helps to lose weight. A study found that seaweed can slow the rate of fat absorption by as much as 75%. This is because they suppress the effect of the digestive enzyme lipase.

4. Fight bloating

Seaweed prevents flatulence and bloating, as it has a diuretic effect on the human body and does not allow a large amount of excess water to be retained.

5. Raise the mood

A 2015 study found that the popular type of chlorella algae has a mood-boosting effect. 1, 8 grams of chlorella extract significantly improves the physical and cognitive symptoms in people suffering from depression, and successfully reduces the symptoms of anxiety in patients who have undergone standard antidepressant therapy.

6. Strengthen the immune system

Chlorella algae also have the power to keep the immune system in good shape. This is because they contain piles of magnesium, which some scientists say protects against almost every modern disease and can be therapeutic for difficult-to-treat inflammatory conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis.

benefits of seaweed
benefits of seaweed

7. Help regulate blood pressure

Uncontrolled high blood pressure significantly increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Adding chlorella to your diet can help keep your blood pressure under control and reduce your risk of developing these diseases.

8. Help regulate the thyroid gland

Most species of seaweed and wakame algae in particular, provide our body with a good amount of iodine, which is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Our body does not produce it, so it is important to get the right dose through the food we eat. Start to eat seaweed regularly and you will never have to worry about iodine again.
