Awaken Your Appetite With Cinnamon

Awaken Your Appetite With Cinnamon
Awaken Your Appetite With Cinnamon

If your child is naughty, whet his appetite with cinnamon. No wonder many children love rice with milk only because of the aroma of cinnamon. Give it to them without the fine brown pollen and they will just frown.

Cinnamon has the amazing property of whetting the appetite, making the stomach more resistant to experiments with different types of food and helping digestion. Homeland of the cinnamon tree are the forests of Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, China and Indonesia. She arrives in Europe from Ceylon.

In fact, the cinnamon tree is a shrub that grows up to 15 meters tall. The bark, leaves and dried fruits are used. The bark is ground and the leaves are made into cinnamon oil.

The cinnamon itself is extracted by peeling the bark of the twigs, removing the top layer and drying the bottom fine layer in the sun.

Cinnamon has a strong aroma that has a bitter-sweet taste. It is an ideal spice for mixing, because its aroma is not lost when mixed with other spices. It is used in everything where there is sugar: creams, compotes, pancakes, pastries, cakes, liqueurs, mulled wine, coffee, punch, grog.

Many chefs find it sophisticated to add a pinch of cinnamon to the minced meatballs just before cooking. A pinch of cinnamon emphasizes the taste of boiled pork, beef and fish. If you add a little cinnamon to the mustard, it acquires an unusual but very pleasant taste.
