Cinnamon And Orange Peel Restore Appetite

Cinnamon And Orange Peel Restore Appetite
Cinnamon And Orange Peel Restore Appetite

Believe it or not, appetite can sometimes be a very "fragile" feeling that we can easily lose. Loss of desire to eat can occur if we are constantly under stress, suffering from an illness or taking certain medications.

If you experience a prolonged loss of appetite, you need to act quickly, as refusing to eat can be more dangerous than you thought. If you do not take action, there is a high probability that you will deprive your body of vital ingredients that are important for your functioning and thus dethrone your immune system.

By following these few tips, you will be able to easily and safely regain your appetite.

1. Add cinnamon to your daily menu. This spice contains an extremely useful substance that naturally restores appetite. Sprinkle cinnamon every day on healthy and wholesome foods, such as apples, wheat bread or coconut drinks.

2. You wouldn't guess, but a bowl of green melon a day works wonders with your appetite. This fruit contains strong ingredients such as momordisin and lecithin, which help the digestive system as you slowly regain your appetite.

3. Drink dandelion roots in tablets. The roots of this essential plant are a natural appetite stimulant. They contain a substance called inulin, which can increase the desire to eat by stimulating the digestive system. The recommended dose is one 500 mg capsule three times a day.

Orange peel
Orange peel

4. Also consume elm bark. It contains effective polysaccharides that strengthen the functions of the stomach, and thus revive the feeling of hunger. The plant is also recommended for nausea and other similar ailments. Take two 500 mg tablets once a day with a meal.

5. Eat orange peel. It contains numerous glycosides that help reduce metabolism, improve absorption, stimulate lymph and increase appetite. Grate the peel of an orange and add it to a glass of water. Drink the drink in the morning and you will inevitably achieve the desired increase in appetite.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting herbal therapy for decreased appetite.
