Plenty Of Apricots! The Market Fails

Plenty Of Apricots! The Market Fails
Plenty Of Apricots! The Market Fails

This year the apricots in the Silistra region bore a lot of fruit. Unlike previous years, when the deficit was felt throughout the country, today the market is at the other extreme. The abundance of production has made growers and traders wonder what they will do with so much fruit.

For the first time in years, manufacturers can boast of such good products. However, the fresh fruit market cannot absorb such large quantities. If the processing industry does not buy the crop, part of it will be sold at a much lower price for distillation.

Apricot this year shortened the ripening period from 15 to 10-12 days. The reason is the high temperatures. The mass varieties are already being harvested, but the quantities are so large that it is already clear that the market will not take them.


Currently, growers are aware that the most important thing is to sell as much fruit as possible, no matter the price. 45% of the apricots in the country are produced in the Silistra region, and a third of them come from the municipality of Tutrakan.

Interest in growing them is growing. For the last 6 years the apricot fields from 4,500 have increased to 6,000 decares. For some it is additional income, and for others - basic.
