Calories In Different Types Of Bread

Calories In Different Types Of Bread
Calories In Different Types Of Bread

The type of flour from which bread is kneaded is the main criterion that determines its quality and how it is absorbed by the human body.

The final caloric content of bread also depends on this indicator, and this value is especially important for people who carefully monitor the accumulation of extra pounds.

The caloric content of rye bread is approximately 165-175 kcal per 100 grams of product. In general, bread from a mixture of rye with wholemeal flour can be up to 180 kcal per 100 grams. With these indicators in mind, it is easy to determine the daily calorie intake of bread.


Up to 280 kcal per 100 grams can reach the caloric content of white bread. Sweet pasta can reach an even higher rate - up to 374 kcal per 100 grams

If you are monitoring your calories, you just need to look at the label where the calorie values in one hundred grams of product are stated. You can calculate from the weight of the product exactly how many calories you will get from it. This will help you maintain a slim line.

When choosing bread, you should be guided by your taste preferences or simply alternate different types of bread. Wholemeal bread can be about 170-180 calories, so it is very suitable for people who are watching their weight.

White bread
White bread

However, this bread should be consumed with caution by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and especially gastritis or gastric ulcer. What is valuable about wholemeal bread are the necessary substances and antioxidants contained in it.

In addition, it helps cleanse the body and brings a quick feeling of satiety. Whatever bread we choose, it remains a high-calorie product.

This by no means means that we should drop out of the foods we eat. You just have to follow the average daily intake of calories needed by the body, given that one slice of bread is about 30-40 grams.

It is not recommended to completely exclude bread from your menu, as it contains many valuable substances necessary for health.
