Some Subtleties In Cooking Poultry

Some Subtleties In Cooking Poultry
Some Subtleties In Cooking Poultry

Poultry contains more complete proteins than meat of domestic animals. Poultry fat has a lower melting point than beef.

When buying frozen chicken or other poultry, thaw the meat gradually, at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees. Avoid thawing with warm water, as all valuable substances will pass into the water.

If you need to pluck the bird's feathers, do it in the opposite direction to their natural growth, starting from the neck.

Stuffed duck
Stuffed duck

The remaining small feathers and down should be scalded, then the bird is rubbed with bran and washed with warm and then cold water.

The bird is cleaned from the entrails by cutting the abdomen. The lap and esophagus are cleaned through the opening made in the neck. The tail glands on the back of the bird are also cut off.

Duck with potatoes
Duck with potatoes

The head, legs and ends of the wings are cut off. The legs, head, neck and trifles are used to make soup. If you have to use the whole chicken, it must be processed.

This is done on the principle of pockets. In the lower part of the abdomen, the skin is cut on both sides and in these incisions the ends of the thighs are pushed and the incisions are sutured.

The large stuffed birds are prepared for roasting as follows: the chicken is placed on its back, stuffed, then the ends of the cut are gathered with sticks with a sharp end, and the thread is tightened and fastened.

chicken meat
chicken meat

The meat of wild birds has a specific smell and taste, so before use it should be marinated for at least 2-3 hours in a weak solution of vinegar with spices such as coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg.

To recognize the young bird, press its sternum. It is soft, sinks easily, and the flesh is yellowish. The old bird has a hard sternum and grayish flesh. Poultry meat is tasty and tender if you rub it inside and out with lemon juice.

Roast goose or duck gets a crispy crust if you pour cold water on them just before the end of roasting. The skin of the chicken becomes golden if you pre-spread it with cream.

Before roasting an old bird, first boil it to a semi-finished state, then roast it whole or cut into pieces, pre-breading it with breadcrumbs and smearing it with cream.
