Donuts And Fast Food Are Among The Most Dangerous Weapons In The World

Donuts And Fast Food Are Among The Most Dangerous Weapons In The World
Donuts And Fast Food Are Among The Most Dangerous Weapons In The World

200 g of sugar, 50 g of butter, 300 g of flour, two eggs, a packet of baking powder and about a liter of oil - this is the recipe of the most popular and dangerous weapon in the world. The result is a donut with 400 calories.

Natural disasters, epidemics, even famine and war are not capable of killing as many people as donuts and fast food, Deutsche Welle reports.

The combination of fats and carbohydrates has a devastating effect, if you overdo it - in the literal sense of the word.

Donuts and fast food are among the most dangerous weapons in the world
Donuts and fast food are among the most dangerous weapons in the world

According to Deutsche Welle, what is happening now is just the beginning of a real catastrophe that is coming, because the really obese generations will come after us.

Overweight people in Germany are only 20 percent, while in Greece and Italy they are 30% of the population. Britain and Poland are the fattest countries in Europe, reaching the level of the United States, where every second child is overweight.

The human body contains an army of fat cells - between 50 and 140 billion. In ancient times, each cell performed its function - fat cells, for example, provided energy during hunting or other grueling activities.

The chaos came when food became an industrial product. Millions of people around the world overeat fat and calories every day.

What will happen to our body if it is taken over by fat? The answer to this question is part of the most important research fields of medicine.

Obesity is known to have detrimental effects on our health. With the recent mass of obesity, the situation is becoming increasingly critical.
