Glazing Of Meat

Glazing Of Meat
Glazing Of Meat

Glazing is a superficial, short-lived process of heat transfer, in which the entire surface of the product must be taken into account.

To understand the nature of the process, one can observe what happens to a frozen product that we immerse in a liquid for a short time.

The product can hypothetically be considered wet, as the amount of liquid absorbed depends on its characteristics - shape, surface, temperature, as well as the characteristics of the liquid - temperature, composition, surface tension.

Glazing is necessary if the meat is served as a whole piece and is not required if the meat is cut. For glazing, the meat is taken out of the pot in which it was cooked and placed in a pan.

Glazing of meat
Glazing of meat

The meat is then drizzled with sauce or cooking broth to form a thin film-like surface on its surface, and then placed in the oven. When a shiny crust forms on the surface of the meat, it is removed, moved to another container and covered with a lid.

After about half an hour, move to a not very deep dish, add a little of the broth in which it was stewed, and put back in the oven.

While the meat is cooking, it should be watered with broth from time to time.

The remaining broth together with different types of vegetables is boiled for about 40 minutes, and the fat is removed with a spoon. Then pour this liquid over the meat.

It is easy to prepare a glaze of orange juice and Dijon mustard for pork. You need marmalade of your choice - 125 grams, Dijon mustard - 3 tablespoons, freshly squeezed juice of one orange.

To prepare the glaze, mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat to boiling. The mixture should boil for three minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.

When the mixture cools, the meat is sprinkled with it. It is good that the meat is still warm so that it can seal the glaze on its surface.
