Why Is Refined Flour Harmful?

Why Is Refined Flour Harmful?
Why Is Refined Flour Harmful?

When we talk about products such as wheat or olive oil, which we know are indispensable for human health for a number of reasons, it is important to understand why refined and unrefined products of this type are often mentioned and what is the difference between them.

In this case we will touch on the topic with refined flour and why it harms our health. Here are some thoughts in this regard:

- It is an indisputable fact that the most used and most nutritious plant is wheat. In the form of bread, it is invariably present on the Bulgarian table and there are very few Bulgarian households that, along with the constant white cheese, do not serve bread on the table.

So far so good, but then why is the topic that white bread is harmful more and more often, since our generations have shown the exact opposite?

- The answer to the previous question lies in the fact that now the market offers mainly bread and pasta from refined flour, and only when you hear the word "refined" you would guess that the flour itself suffers from some chemical processes. Namely, most of its useful properties are lost through them;

Why is refined flour harmful?
Why is refined flour harmful?

- When you consume refined flour, your body begins to produce more insulin, as a result of which the human body receives almost nothing as energy to expend, but seeks to accumulate fat for the "hard days" during which it will not receive refined products.;

- Unfortunately, you can rarely find wheat on the market in its true form. It reaches us, the consumers, in an almost unrecognizable form - often ground, forged, baked and probably the worst - refined.

- Whenever you buy flour whose label says something like "wheat flour" or even more twisted "enriched white flour", keep in mind that it is refined flour, which lacks such important germs and bran.

In short - if you buy refined flour, you lose more than half of the valuable nutritional qualities and values of wheat itself;

- Consumption of refined flour leads to high blood sugar (which in some cases can be fatal for people suffering from diabetes), increased insulin levels, as well as a number of diseases such as constipation, overall discomfort and even chronic diseases.
