Health Benefits Of Rye

Health Benefits Of Rye
Health Benefits Of Rye

Rye cannot be confused with other crops. Its ears are longer than those of wheat and barley and have very long axils. Its nipples are elongated and grayish-green in color.

Apart from being a food, rye, together with wheat, is used in wedding ceremonies, and at Christmas it is burned with rye and the fruit trees are tied with it to give birth to more.

In our country rye is less common and is systematically replaced by wheat. It is grown mainly in the semi-mountainous and mountainous regions of Sofia and Blagoevgrad region. The variety is Danae and comes from Romania.

Rye bread is both tasty and useful. During the preparation of the flour, in the process of grinding the grain, the germ and the outer shell are preserved.

This preserves the richness of bioactive nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are deprived of refined flour. It also contains potassium, sodium, iron and many vitamins.

Rye grains, nuts and flour are healthy cereals. In addition to satiating, they also carry dietary fiber to the body. They help cleanse the body and maintain a healthy intestinal flora.

Rye bread
Rye bread

Rye bread contains 4 times more iron than white. Frequent consumption reduces the risk of diabetes due to the high content of soluble dietary fiber, as well as by improving the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

Increasingly, people are suffering from low fiber levels. Intake of rye products fix this. This is a kind of prevention of cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol levels.

The soluble fiber contained in rye grains slows down digestion and gives it more time to process than digestive enzymes.

Such a delayed breakdown of starch precludes deviations in blood glucose concentrations. Rye bread is recommended for diabetes because its glycemic index is many times lower than that of whole wheat.

The content of lysine in rye has an antiviral effect. This amino acid is involved in tissue repair, improves calcium absorption and plays an important role in protein synthesis.

Consumption of rye products significantly reduces the risk of developing hypertension and eliminates the preconditions for stroke.

Apart from being a food, rye is also used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions are prepared with its colors and classes. They are used in various diseases of the respiratory system due to their expectorant action.
