Einkorn Is The First Wheat Of Mankind

Einkorn Is The First Wheat Of Mankind
Einkorn Is The First Wheat Of Mankind

Einkorn is an ancient grain, also known as the oldest variety of wheat in the world. Once called Farro, this cereal has been known to mankind for nearly 10,000 years. And in the past einkorn was one of the first cultivated and grown for food plants. It is also believed to have originated in the Middle East, in the regions of the Tigris and Euphrates. Today einkorn is also found in the Balkans, the Mediterranean and others.

It is extremely rich in beta carotene - a powerful antioxidant, which is contained in the largest amount in this type of wheat. It is also rich in tocopherols and tocotrienols (substances with antioxidant properties), as well as vitamin A, B and E, protein, crude fat, phosphorus and potassium.

Einkorn differs from other types of wheat by being classified as covered wheat. In addition, it is not very capricious to the soil and often survives where others cannot.

Dishes with einkorn
Dishes with einkorn

The advantages of einkorn over wheat are that this ancient grain is richer in carotene and lutein, in addition to being twice as high in minerals, antioxidants and protein. And thanks to its antioxidant composition, it increases immunity and protects the body from the development of cardiovascular disease.

The gluten in it is in very low values, which makes it an alternative for eating in people with intolerance to it (Celiac disease). Slightly lower levels of vitamin B and phosphorus are also observed.

Some studies even show that if wheat is replaced with einkorn, the risk of developing malignancies drops sharply. And all this thanks to the carotenoids in it.

Another study in Japan examined 324 varieties of wheat, and as a result found that einkorn contains the least allergens. Due to the many benefits it brings to the body, the oldest grain of mankind is considered the most useful.

It tastes great and is easy to prepare. It can be boiled or ground, and from the resulting flour to prepare fluffy bread, pancakes or pasta.
