Forget Wheat Bread - Eat Millet And Einkorn

Forget Wheat Bread - Eat Millet And Einkorn
Forget Wheat Bread - Eat Millet And Einkorn

The list of foods that for one reason or another are harmful to human health is growing at breakneck speed. It is increasingly difficult to navigate the sea of advice on what is useful, what is harmful and what to eat. Shockingly, one of the ancient foods of the Bulgarians - bread, may turn out to be the new slow poison that makes us sick and kills us.

Bread is invariably present at every table. In recent years, traditional Bulgarian breads have given way to wholemeal pasta, which was considered a magical source of youth, health and longevity. A number of studies have debunked this myth and declared wheat, rye, oats, barley, soybeans, corn and white rice "silent killers."

The data reveal that these cereals have been hybridizing for at least the last seventy decades. They are undergoing drastic GMO transformations in search of more sustainable and fertile varieties. Another problem is the unreasonable number of pesticides used to treat crops around the world to protect against diseases and pests.

These pesticides leave chemicals in the grains of wheat and other cereals, which subsequently pass into the flour, then into the bread and all other pasta.


It doesn't matter if you are a fan of fluffy white bread or prefer its "more useful" wholemeal versions - excessive and uncontrolled use of pesticides equally poisons your body.

Pesticides and fertilizers are the main reason for the sharp rise in allergies in children. Another side effect of intoxication, due to excessive use of pasta, are dark circles under the eyes, as well as a feeling of heaviness and malaise in the stomach.

Then what to do? First of all, we should try to eliminate wheat from our diet. Instead, we can knead or buy millet bread, chickpea flour or einkorn flour. Our table can be enriched with quinoa, amaranth and chia (chia).


An excellent choice is to replace wheat bread with einkorn bread or its European version - spelled. Einkorn contains almost no gluten and is virtually resistant to chemical treatment.

It is the oldest wheat in the world, which has been forgotten since the industrialization of agriculture for economic reasons. Einkorn simply does not yield high yields, does not lend itself to treatment, does not tolerate GMOs, which makes it unprofitable for production.

Nutritionists recommend limiting all pasta, instead eat more potatoes. Replace white rice with brown or Basmati.

Fans of spaghetti, pasta and pasta can replace them with quinoa or buckwheat or millet porridge. In recent years, even pediatricians have recommended that mothers feed their babies not buckwheat porridge, but buckwheat porridge and quinoa porridge.
