Forget About White Bread! Reasonable Grounds

Forget About White Bread! Reasonable Grounds
Forget About White Bread! Reasonable Grounds

The biggest bread consumers Bulgarians are in Europe, and white bread is present on our table every day. Nutritionists advise eating whole grains as well white bread to cut to a minimum or to exclude at all from the menu.

Recently, carbohydrate-free diets are very fashionable, and the abandonment of white flour is proclaimed as the right step towards a healthy diet.

Is bread useful and is it right to be satisfied with it, don't we pay a high price to the tradition of putting this food on our table first? We will get an answer to the question once we know how white bread is made.

White bread is made from refined wheat grains from which the germ is separated and from the top layer of bran. Removing these two components from the grain improves its taste and smoothness, but removes fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals and phytochemicals, which are very good for health.

Forget about white bread! Reasonable grounds
Forget about white bread! Reasonable grounds

Of its ingredients, only carbohydrates and a small amount of protein remain. The nutritional value of white bread is almost zero, it only fills the stomach.

At the same time, white flour has a number of harmful effects on the body. It is a cause of overweight and obesity. The glycemic index of bread is higher than that of chocolate. Starch in all bakery products is broken down, entering digestion, and enters the bloodstream as glucose. This leads to bouts of hunger.

Digestive problems are the next reason that is in favor of giving up white bread. Gluten destroys intestinal cells and this leads to digestive disorders.

Pimples on the skin are also due to its action. It is not excreted from the body and its accumulation on the walls of the intestine damages its fibers. This impairs the absorption of nutrients and affects the skin such as pimples and other irritations.

Forget about white bread! Reasonable grounds
Forget about white bread! Reasonable grounds

Whole grains contain fiber that supports intestinal health, and white grains do not.

White bread is toxic, because in the production of wheat on a large scale it is treated with various preparations. The bleaching of flour during refining is done with harmful substances.

Consumption of white bread leads to addiction. The release of sugars causes an increase in insulin. Hunger for fast carbs targets the surge of vitality they create. However, a sharp jump in blood sugar levels leads to diabetes.

Bread is needed in the menu, but it must be whole grain.
