How To Cook With Coconut Oil

How To Cook With Coconut Oil
How To Cook With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a pleasant coconut aroma and a very appetizing taste. It is among the healthiest foods we can find. This is due to its stability during cooking.

When cooked with a certain type of fat such as olive oil or sunflower oil, the high temperature can destroy its fragile structure. Thus, all health benefits are taken away.

In contrast, coconut oil is stable and resistant to the highest temperatures. It does not burn and retains all its useful properties even after heat treatment. And the best part is that coconut oil can be used to cook everything from meat to desserts.

Two types of coconut oil can be found on the market. One has the typical aroma of coconut and the other is refined. Refined coconut oil is more commonly used because it does not have a strong aroma or specific taste.

The interesting thing about coconut oil is that at very cold temperatures it acquires a firm white consistency. When left warm, it liquefies completely.

Coconut oil is extremely useful for cooking. Everything can be fried in it, thus not only does not increase, but reduces the "bad" cholesterol. Therefore, it is often recommended as the best oil for weight loss.

Only the hydrogenated, hardened form of coconut oil can form harmful trans fats. This is determined by the method of production, by adding hydrogen gas to the oil at high pressure and temperature.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

This is done to increase its durability. All other forms of coconut oil allow the saturated fatty acids in it to be absorbed without problems by the body, while stimulating metabolism.

Everything can be cooked with coconut oil. It is the only fat that does not oxidize during frying and baking. Interestingly, unlike others, it does not have the typical taste and smell. In addition, it does not have the ability to hold such. Thus, it can be used for long and repeated frying of various products.

Another positive feature of coconut oil is that it does not turn rancid because it does not oxidize. During cooking it does not spray, is not absorbed and is not converted into harmful products at high temperatures.

This makes it the perfect and healthiest alternative to all cooking fats. Coconut oil can successfully replace any of them in any cooking recipe.
