Food Sources Of Silicon

Food Sources Of Silicon
Food Sources Of Silicon

We all know that in order to be healthy, strong and to have a stable immune system, it is necessary to provide our body with a number of vital nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, eating a varied and complete diet.

Silicon is one of the most valuable minerals for health, the second most important chemical element after oxygen. He actively participates in the exchange processes, supporting the course of many of them.

Lack of silicon in the body negatively affects the energy balance, which leads to disturbances and slowing of metabolism and vital processes in the body. Silicon has many benefits for the overall well-being of the human body and organism.

- captures and successfully removes from the body harmful microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause various diseases and infections;

- strengthens and strengthens the immune system;

- helps bone regeneration, stops the development of osteoporosis;

- suppresses the aging processes of cells and stimulates the formation of new ones;

- prevents and reduces the accumulation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels;

- strengthens and improves the appearance and condition of the skin, hair and nails;

- regenerates the mucous membranes of a large part of the internal organs;

- supports vision;

- maintains the elasticity of the arteries;

there is a lot of silicon in nuts
there is a lot of silicon in nuts

- prevents the formation of kidney and gallstones;

- thickens blood vessels;

- has a beneficial effect on asthma;

- plays a significant role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis and tuberculosis;

- neutralizes the effect of aluminum on the body.

The food sources through which we could be get the vital trace element silicon, are:

- green leafy vegetables;

- cucumbers, carrots, cambi, pumpkin;

- pears, apples, grapes - it is desirable to consume these fruits with the skins, as a large amount of silicon is contained there;

- nettle and horsetail - to extract the maximum amount of silicon from these plants, it is necessary to boil on low heat for a long time;

- whole grains, oatmeal;

- fish;

- almonds and peanuts;

- honey.

These are the best dietary sources of silicon.
